Looking to sell or Part exchange? Please feel free to get in touch.
Do you have unwanted jewellery that you can put to good use? What about silverware or coins?
I am always looking to buy Antique and Vintage jewellery, regardless of condition, as well as other items as listed below. Please feel free to call or email and discuss selling your pieces.
Part exchange is also possible. If I have a piece you would like, a piece you have or scrap gold can go towards it.

These are some of the items I am looking to buy or part exchange.
ANTIQUE JEWELLERY: Perfect or damaged.
VINTAGE JEWELLERY: Complete or broken.
COINS. From Celtic right through to modern proof sets. Both UK and worldwide.
BANKNOTES: UK banknotes in most conditions.
BANKING EPHEMERA: Coin weights, money bags, old cheques, scales, postal orders.
SILVERWARE: From a single fork to a Punch Bowl.
PENS & PENCILS: Montblanc, Sheaffer, Yard-O-Led and Monte Grappa particularly.
GEMSTONES: From the usual to the rare & unusual.
MINERALS: Mineral specimens with provenance.
SHARE CERTIFICATES: Complete or clipped. Mining in particular.
GEM TESTING EQUIPMENT: Old gem & mineral testing equipment, including microscopes.
How it Works
Firstly and most importantly, I don't pay in cash. I pay by Cheque or Bank Transfer. I know this will put many people off, but it's safer for the both of us.
I can visit you in your home or office, assess what you have and make an offer. If it is a piece that needs more research, I may need to come back to you on it. Sometimes a piece isn't for me, but I might be able to point you in the right direction which I will gladly do.
There is the possibility of selling some pieces on commission, but this is not something I usually offer.
How I offer. There are some pieces that are straight forward. Jewellery that is broken beyond repair or coins too worn to be of interest to collectors are bought as scrap metal. Other pieces may need the investment of my time to repair before being suitable to sell on. Some pieces may be in just the right condition to sell on. I will offer what I can afford to pay you and give you the assurance that if I am able to sell it within 6 months at a higher price than I was planning (e.g. If I thought it was likely I was going to have to scrap it, but it sold for more), I will pay you a percentage more. I think this is the fairest way of working and have many customers that are pleased with the outcome.
If you have something to sell, the best thing is to email me with details and pictures. Also, be open and honest, if you've had an offer, tell me, it won't influence what I would offer, but it could save us both some time. If you have a price you are trying to achieve, tell me. I don't play games and work in a very straightforward way, so I do appreciate the honesty.
Thank you for reading.