"I love it, but I can't afford it" is something I often hear, especially in the run up to Christmas (yes, I know it's August). I know this feeling, I've been there as well, which is why I have tried to make things easier.
Many don't know, because I don't advertise the fact, I can offer a payment plan (or layaway as it's known elsewhere). This is not handled by a credit company, it's an agreement between us. You commit (and it is a binding commitment) to paying the cost of the item within an agreed timescale with a monthly or weekly payment and I agree to supply it to you at the end. If you decide part way through that you would rather have something else, I'm sure we can sort something out. Layaway's do help me with my stock planning, many leave buying for key events like Christmas until the last minute meaning it's difficult for me to re-stock in time.

I also offer part exchange. Click here to find a list of items that I am regularly looking to buy and, of course, part exchange. You might even do better by part exchanging an item rater than selling it, but please remember part exchange is part payment, not a swap.
Barter, the exciting one. I have always enjoyed barter for goods and services. This is a swap. Something I have that you want and something you have that I want. Being in a rural area the possibilities are pretty varied. I once exchanged an Oak table leg I made for a restoration for several pounds of Honey and Beeswax. 2 lambs for a large Valuation was another. Before any tax inspectors reading this get excited, I issue an invoice for every piece/service, declare it in my books and pay any taxes applicable.

In short, if you see something you like, please get in touch and we will see what we can work out.
Best wishes,